If you're serious about strength or a physique athlete, you must have heard about supplements in the course of time. You've surely heard that supplements help to get the most out of training sessions and through an accurate diet.  But which supplements? The market has mushroomed with body-building supplements. You might be lured to wander through a digital forest of get-big blogs and preacher guru’s websites, but unfortunately, those places can often be rife with misinformation.

Fortunately, we are going to set the record straight for you. Here you will know what to take, how much to take, and when to take it. it will help you to take out every ounce of your results from your hard work. So let's take a quick look at the right supplement stack for you. 

1. Creatine monohydrate

This muscle-building supplement and power-enhancing supplement has an extremely high safety profile and a series of evidence to prove its efficacy. Grelix supplementation increases the availability of creatine phosphocreatine in the muscle. This helps in maintaining energy during high-intensity exercise like weightlifting. Besides, increasing the availability of PCr may help speed up recovery between the sets. If you are taking the supplements for a long time it appears to enhance the quality of resistance training. 

The fastest way to increase muscle creatine stores is to follow the method of taking 20gms per day for 5-7 days, followed by the standard dosage of taking 5gms per day. 

2. Caffeine 

Caffeine is the most widely used word in the world, and for good reason. It has generously shown to be an effective ergogenic aid in both powerful exercise and high-intensity activity. When it comes to strength performance, caffeine can be a little outperforming. Taking this potion of caffeine, it is shown to decrease the rate of fatigue and lower effort. This is beneficial for a high-power workout. 

3. Branch chain amino acid

There is no reason not to take BCAAs during the workout. They are actually good to taste, and not only that, sipping them between the sets speeds up the recovery from tough exercise. A study has published that those who have taken 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, or 9gm for two hundred pound individuals, have experienced a significant change. This change is about reducing muscle soreness and damage.

4. Citrulline Malate 

Citrulline Malate is marketed as an anti-fatigue supplement. If you peek forty years back, you will see that CM is being prescribed both for physical and mental fatigue in post-surgeries. More recently, CM has become popular for its performance-boosting effects. The benefits of CM are associated with the synergistic combination of both L-citrulline and malate. This helps to increase rates of ATP during exercise and rates of PCr recovery after exercise. 

Few investigations have found that a single dosage of 8 grams of CM has increased the number of repetitions during an upper-body training protocol while reducing soreness at 24 and 48 hours post-exercise. CM is extremely beneficial in improving exercise performance during upper body multiple-bout resistance exercises.

To conclude

Body-building supplements can help athletes and bodybuilders to strengthen their bodies. At Grelix Xtreme Wellness, we empower our customers with the latest and ground-breaking supplement innovations for peak human performance. Rest assured, our unique range of science based sports nutrition will help enhance your daily life and reach your fitness goals in the most effective way possible.